Essay 1. The Gong is Named after the Sound it Makes

Magnum Opus of the Gong vol.1 Essay 1:

1. The Gong is Named after the Sound it Makes

"AUM is the Great Gong Tone of Life” - Dane Rudhyar, Re-Birth of Hindu Music, 1926

In learning to play the gong, the musician sees the gong more as an engine that produces a release of resonant power or simply as a pleasing musical esthetic.

Gong power has universal implications because it symbolizes and releases the all pervading cosmic rotative force of the universe that has been called goes by the name of AUM or OM, the mythical word of "In the Beginning'.


In the New Music Science of Holistic Sound, an understanding of the phenomenon of fullness within Resonance is a fundamental pre-requisite to mastery in a broader context the playing of the "Great Gong of Life". 

The musical bronze flat disc called a Symphonic Gong or Tam Tam is a perfect source of complete or Holistic Resonance. 

The Gong, unlike any other instrument known, when struck by a soft mallet, produces all the notes of an octave in an always present continuum of sound no matter what the particular gong's fundamental pitch may be. 


Within the great AUM (OM) background of the gong's total sound arise spontaneous clusters of overtones with no spaces between the tones. 

These tone clusters have a fullness and unpredictable independence about them, thus they are called living or organic tones and they are simply the result of two equally struck tones combining together to produce sonal bouquets of offspring or tone progeny. 

Partials and\or Heterodynes (children) are also used to refer to the resultant tones created by tone combining. 


Resultant tones can also be called Summation tones (the result of a higher overtone arising from the combining of two tones of equal intensity of volume when added together). 

There are also times, depending on the particular frequency ratios of the two combining tones, when a lower tone called a Reduction tone is produced through subtraction. 

All Resultant tones are a manifestation of organic tone mitosis that reflects elegantly the harmonious cellular reproduction of organic matter. 

This unique act of holistic tone reproduction is only possible because bronze of a disc-shape has such a powerfully long sustain that this allows multitudinous sonal bouquets of tone clusters to flower and bloom within the sound field of an acoustical environment.


Because sound travels much faster through metal than it does through air. Thus, the slower absorbing air surrounding the vibrating gong becomes thickly packed with reverberations that are called 'feeling tones'. 

Feeling tones are tones heard not just with the ears but felt kinesthetically in a tactile or sensual way. 

The entire body as a result of prolonged saturation becomes like a collective ear when it is touched and communicated with by the accumulation of the long low waves of full gong sound.


As layer after layer of rolling waves of sound build in volume, the atmosphere (the 'envelope') becomes so dense with vibrations that all other sounds in the acoustical environment disappear into a resonant blanket of 'total sound'. 

The ancients refer to this as the OM field of the Akashic Ethers.


The simple ratio of PHI, the Golden Proportion of the Perfect Spiral which in Science is 1.618033989, in musical harmony is the Minor Sixth of 1.6 ratio. 

When tones are layered, one on the other, they combine and rise in ratios closer and closer to that of the perfect spiral.

Whereas, the natural harmonic rise continues in smaller and smaller increments before becoming inaudible, the resultant series levels off into a congruent series of ratios that begin with the following series of Minor Sixths:

As the resultant tones become higher the ratio begins to weave back and forth around PHI getting ever nearer to the perfect 1.618033989.

The Golden Section in Sacred Geometry is also stated in the following formula:

In the Science of Fractals this PHI ratio is the only ratio where such elegant coherency is found; it is a superconducting line of least resistance and greatest strength; it is the ratio of DNA.


Total gong sound is truly pure holistic resonance. The experiencer is wrapped in a cocoon or womb that is so charged with powerful wholesome tone cell reproduction that at some point the person seems to disappear completely into the sound field. 

This is a phenomena that can be called a conscious dematerialization through sensorial sound saturation. 

When this happens, the mental, emotional and physical bodies become both super-conducting and super-regenerating, and the strain caused by the normal resistance of the ego-identity no longer exists as a disease factor.

Essay 1. The Gong is Named after the Sound it Makes Summary

Essay 1 explores the holistic resonance and spiritual significance of playing the gong, particularly the Symphonic Gong or Tam Tam:

  • The gong symbolizes and releases the cosmic rotative force of the universe known as AUM or OM.
  • When struck by a soft mallet, the gong produces all the notes of an octave in a continuous sound despite its fundamental pitch.
  • Spontaneous clusters of overtones, known as tone clusters, arise within the gong's total sound.
  • Resultant tones, such as summation tones and reduction tones, are created through the combination of tones.
  • Feeling tones are reverberations felt kinesthetically in the body due to the gong's long sustain and dense vibrations.
  • As the volume of sound builds, the acoustical environment becomes saturated with a resonant blanket of 'total sound', creating the OM field of the Akashic Ethers.
  • Through layering tones in ratios closer to the perfect spiral of PHI, the gong sound achieves total harmonic resonance.

The Golden Section in Sacred Geometry and the superconducting quality of the PHI ratio in fractals reflect the elegant coherency found in the gong's holistic resonance:

  • The gong sound can lead to a conscious dematerialization through sensorial sound saturation, transcending the ego-identity and promoting super-conducting and super-regenerating states.

Know your terminology:

This essay explores the mystical and scientific dimensions of the gong, emphasizing its unique ability to produce a holistic resonance. The gong is described as an instrument with the power to release cosmic vibrational forces associated with "AUM," the primordial sound of creation. 

Key concepts include: 

Holistic Resonance: The gong's sound creates a continuum of frequencies that embody fullness and interconnectedness. 

Tone Clusters and Resultant Tones: The gong produces overtones and complex "tone progeny," reflecting the organic processes of life. 

Feeling Tones: Vibrations extend beyond hearing, enveloping the body in a tactile, all-encompassing sound experience. 

Total Sound: The gong generates an immersive acoustic environment akin to the ancient OM field, creating a sense of unity with the universe. 

Etheric Field of PHI: The gong’s vibrations mirror the PHI ratio, a fundamental principle in sacred geometry, DNA, and universal harmony. 

The essay concludes by describing the transformative potential of gong sound, enabling a state of super-conducting resonance and regeneration, dissolving ego-based limitations.

In Other Words:

This essay presents the gong as a profound instrument for spiritual and physical transformation. It reveals how the gong's resonant sound mimics universal patterns like PHI, fostering healing and unity. By producing a continuum of sound waves, the gong immerses individuals in a holistic sonic experience, enabling deep regeneration and connection with cosmic forces. 

Essay 1 "The Gong is Named after the Sound it Makes” Glossary of Terms

General Terms 

1. Gong 

  - A flat, disc-shaped bronze instrument that produces a rich and complex resonance, symbolizing cosmic vibrations. 

2. AUM/OM 

  - The primordial sound associated with creation in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, representing the universal vibration or "Great Gong Tone of Life." 

3. Holistic Resonance 

  - A complete and full-spectrum resonance that aligns physical, emotional, and spiritual states, achieved through the gong’s sound. 

Sound Concepts 

4. Tone Clusters 

  - Groups of closely spaced tones without gaps, created naturally by the gong’s vibrations, giving rise to unpredictable and living sounds. 

5. Resultant Tones 

  - Secondary tones produced when two tones interact, including: 

   - Summation Tones: Higher tones created by adding the frequencies of two tones. 

   - Reduction Tones: Lower tones created by subtracting one frequency from another. 

6. Partials (Heterodynes) 

  - Overtones or “offspring tones” that arise from the combination of primary tones, described as tone progeny. 

7. Feeling Tones 

  - Vibrations from the gong that are experienced not just audibly but physically, as the body absorbs sound waves kinesthetically. 

8. Total Sound 

  - The dense and encompassing field of sound created by the gong, which saturates the environment and eliminates other noises, forming the "OM field." 

Scientific and Mathematical Principles 

9. PHI (Golden Ratio) 

  - The mathematical ratio (approximately 1.618) representing the perfect spiral, found in natural harmonics, sacred geometry, and DNA structure. 

10. Fibonacci Series 

  - A sequence of numbers approximating the golden ratio, used in the harmonic layering of tones that converge towards PHI. 

11. Akashic Ethers 

  - A spiritual concept referring to a cosmic field of infinite vibrations and records, often associated with the gong’s total sound field. 

12. Fractals 

  - Mathematical patterns showing self-similarity at all scales, with the PHI ratio serving as a fundamental coherence in both sound and nature. 

Effects of Gong Sound 

13. Sound Saturation 

  - A state where prolonged exposure to the gong’s vibrations envelops the experiencer, leading to physical, emotional, and mental alignment. 

14. Dematerialization 

  - A phenomenon where the ego and physical identity seem to dissolve in the sound field, allowing a state of super-conductivity and regeneration. 

15. Super-Conduction 

  - A state of reduced resistance in the body’s energy flow, resulting in heightened healing and wholeness. 

16. Super-Regeneration 

  - The enhanced ability of the body and mind to rejuvenate, facilitated by the gong’s holistic resonance. 

This glossary captures the profound spiritual, scientific, and musical concepts introduced in the essay, providing a foundation for deeper understanding of the gong’s transformative power.

Essay 1 Study Group Discussion Topics:

1. Holistic Resonance 

  - What is holistic resonance, and how does the gong uniquely embody this phenomenon? 

  - Discuss how holistic resonance contributes to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

2. Tone Clusters and Resultant Tones 

  - How do "tone clusters" and "resultant tones" reflect natural processes like cellular reproduction? 

  - Why are these sounds considered "organic" and unpredictable? 

3. Feeling Tones 

  - How does the concept of "feeling tones" expand the perception of sound beyond hearing? 

  - Share a personal experience of sound felt as a physical sensation. 

4. Etheric Field of PHI 

  - What is the significance of PHI (the Golden Ratio) in the context of gong sound? 

  - How does the concept of PHI connect to sacred geometry and the science of fractals? 

5. Transformation through Total Sound 

  - How does the gong create a "total sound" environment? 

  - Discuss how immersion in this environment can lead to states of healing or transcendence. 

In Other Words...

Test Your Understanding - Short Answer Response to the following questions:

11. Explain the relationship between PHI and the Fibonacci series in the context of gong sound. 

12. What is meant by ‘total sound,’ and how does it affect the acoustic environment? 

13. Describe the role of holistic resonance in gong sound. 

14. How do partials (heterodynes) contribute to the gong’s sound? 


In Other Words...Sample Answers

11. PHI, the Golden Ratio, represents the perfect spiral found in nature and harmonics. The Fibonacci series is a mathematical sequence that converges toward PHI, creating harmonic layering in sound that reflects natural coherence and balance. 

12. Total sound is the dense and all-encompassing sound field created by the gong. It saturates the environment, masking other noises and forming a resonant blanket described as the "OM field." 

13. Holistic resonance is the full-spectrum vibration produced by the gong, aligning the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the listener. It promotes healing, regeneration, and a sense of unity. 

 14. Sample Answer: Partials or heterodynes are overtones that arise from the combination of primary tones, creating a rich, organic sound that evolves dynamically. 


Essay 1 Summary:  

This essay explores the profound and multidimensional nature of the gong as a musical instrument and spiritual tool. It begins by connecting the gong to the ancient sound of AUM (OM), the cosmic vibration symbolizing the origin of existence. The gong produces holistic resonance, a complete spectrum of sound encompassing all notes in the octave, creating an immersive experience.

The essay discusses key phenomena related to gong sound:

- Tone Clusters: Organic combinations of tones that create complex, living soundscapes. 

- Resultant Tones: New tones arising from the interaction of existing tones, mirroring cellular reproduction in organic matter. 

- Feeling Tones: Vibrations from the gong that are not just heard but physically felt throughout the body. 

- Total Sound: A dense sound field enveloping the listener, akin to the ancient OM field of the Akashic Ethers. 

The essay also touches on the Etheric Field of PHI, where sound ratios approach the Golden Proportion, a principle found in nature and sacred geometry. This harmonious interaction creates coherence and strength, reflecting the fractal beauty of life itself. Ultimately, gong sound offers an immersive experience of holistic resonance, allowing the listener to transcend ego-based resistance and experience deep regeneration, spiritual connection, and even temporary "dematerialization" of identity.

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